Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Abortion Argument

These people are crazy:

Ignorance is bliss I guess. Don't think about anything besides what is in front of you. Your cause. Your god. My religion is common sense and there doesn't seem to be any sense to their argument. Faith is no excuse for not doing your research.

Someone you don't know nows owns a part of you, you're most likely unaware of...

A new patent covering "music generated by decoding and transcribing genetic information within a DNA sequence into a music signal having melody and harmony," has just been enacted.

I find it highly disconcerting that someone now owns a the translation of my genome into music when they haven't even identified it yet. What would you say if someone bought the rights to the wavelength that you project your voice and if you ever said anything again you would get charged for it.

Is that so crazy? It's like patenting everyone's own personal genetic codes. I don't care if I never here the song that comes from my on DNA. It's mine. No one besides me owns it.

I think my DNA is singing the blues...

Chuck Norris Action Jeans

because... they "won't bind your legs"

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Knowledge Levels By News Source

Just thought everyone should see this:

It's from the Pew Research Center. You can get the full text of the report here and make your own conclusions. I'm just glad to see what I assumed all along: Daily Show/Colbert Report audiences are the smartest around. Notice where the Fox News Channel is...

A Night of Maniacle Information

Just watching this guy and his 600 RSS feeds has made him my idol.

I'm into bloglines and I have about 120 feeds. Many of the them are high traffic and this is one of the reasons I haven't been on to write in a while. Too much information is never enough for me but holding down a full time (and I mean FULL TIME) job can be difficult. I just have to cut down on sleep I guess. Especially is I aspire to these heights...